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We are motivated and most of all dedicated, to helping the community around us. This involves several community out reach programs such as our latest: kiDz iN Da poOl (tm) progam. If you would like to help, please navigate this page and see the volunteer and donation options available. We also have gift certificates! If you have any questions please use the form below to reach out and we will get back to you! Thank you so much for your support and we here at GSDR look forward to hearing from you!

Can you help us, help the community?

Gulf States Dive and Rescue is currently looking for a coordinator to help build our new kiDz iN Da poOl (TM)  program in 2019. Time and goals are negotiable. If you're interested, please give us a shout. ​ 

Help us help them by volunteering!

Thanks! Message sent.

Don't have time to volunteer? Donate!

Every dollar goes to helping our organization help the people that surround us. From one of our MANY community out reach programs or to even to help fund a new one, your donation would help effect the lives of someone who needs it. Thank you so much for your help and support!

Gift Certificates? We have those!

Click the picture to find out more!------> 


2018 Hurricane Florence Type 3 boat teams with Mayor Battle of Nichols, S.C.

GSDR has been the primary water rescue response service for Premier Event Management for the last 10 years.

During that time we have provided marine safety and water rescue services for Ironman Brand, Oschner, Womens Collegiate Championships, Aquabike, 5150, IronGirl and others. We are very proud of the fact that during those 20 races, we always delivered what we said we could. We were always staffed appropriatetly. Never had to splash a diver or load anyone into an ambulance.

We have covered harbor races as well as Lake races, with as many as 3000 people in the water at the same time. 

September 2017 Gulf States Dive and Rescue designed, created, executed and “refereed” the largest scenario based Residential Flood Rescue Exercise in the state, possibly the Gulf south. This training brought real life challenges to First Responders to expand their experience and judgment in a fast moving flood crisis.  We coordinated directly with the Tangipahoa Parish Fire Administrator and the Tangipahoa Parish Emergency Operations Center. It involved Fire, EMS, several law enforcement, animal control units, evacuation buses, two air med services with lily pad, the United States Coast Guard and over a dozen outside emergency response agencies. There were over 400 first responders,  almost 100 volunteers, dozens of rescue boats and 15 unique flood rescue "challenges”, such as roof entrapment, leap frogging platforms, HAZMAT and many others that First Responder had to negotiate.

August 29th 2017 GSDR was the first rescue team to arrive at the Orange County Emergency Operations Center in Orange Co, TX. after Hurricane Harvey made landfall. We brought  five boat teams and a technical  swift water/flood rescue team consisting of certified Swift Water/Flood Rescue Technicians, Rescue Boat Operators, Rescue Swimmers, SWFR Instructor and a Louisiana Emergency Manager with 25 years of flood experience as a paramedic and active water rescue coordinator.

According to TXTF-1, FLDWF and Military TF Leaders, this is the first time that they are aware of that a private company or organization has ever provided certified, properly equipped front line rescue resources utilizing and folding into the I.C. structure at no additional cost to the community. Something we are very proud of.

Although, we have been, officially, helping in this same capacity since hurricane  Gustave in 2008 when we were embedded with the New Orleans Fire Department. This is just the first time we were autonomous and gained some outside recognition. 


We feel compelled to say, we did not work as wildcat teams. Although our organization volunteered, our guys are paid, formally trained and certified in several water rescue disciplines and FEMA approved courses ncluding: FEMA ICS100, 200 300 & 400, 700 & 800, FEMA Wide Area Search and other important courses to maintain our safety, the victims safety and the integrity of the search operations managed by the Incident Commander. We reported to, and worked with OCEOC.

Residential Flood Rescue Exercise created and reffereed by GSDR 2017

Hurricane Harvey August 2017

March 2017 Gulf States Dive and Rescue was an "In Kind Sponsor" for the Law Enforcement Polar Plunge hosted by the St. Tammany Parish Sheriffs Office for Special Olympics Louisiana . First, we provided a  water safety team for the groups participating in the Plunge. Then, at the end, participated ourselves! We can do even more to support even more great charities, with your help!

April 2017- Gulf States Dive and Rescue supports the performing arts in New Orleans, Louisiana by providing water safety. The Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra played a free concert on Lake Pontchartrain New Orleans, LA. (estimated 2000 people, dozens of boats participating as well as watching and enjoying the show).

© 2024 by Paul Fraser

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